Friday, May 31, 2013

Day 22 - A Tale of Two Creeks 5/8

By Hedgehog
Starting Mileage: 286.5
Ending Mileage: 305.7
We slept in this morning,  until 6am. Due to the cold weather last night we'd closed the tent up tight. While this helped keep us warm it lead to a common problem, condensation.  However, because it was so cold the condensation froze so we couldn't dry the tent quickly by wiping it down with our bandannas.  We found a nice spot on a rock outcropping and spent an hour there while our gear dried out.
The first creek we came to was Holcomb Creek and we stopped to have lunch there and relax a bit. A few miles later in the hike I filtered water from a  piped spring. A piped spring is where a PVC pipe is pushed into the spring in an effort to reroute it/make it easier to collect water from.  Since it didn't have a pool we let the water flow into our pot and then I filtered the water out of the pot.  (We made sure to boil the water long enough to kill any germs the next time we used the pot).
We arrived at the Deep Creek Bridge (our first encounter with the second creek of the day) early afternoon.  We took a break to relax and soak our feet in the cold water.  This felt great.  After crossing the bridge we went to Splinter's Cabin, a USFS pavilion 0.1 mi off trail.  Why there?  It had a picnic table, outhouses and garbage cans.  We took advantage of all three to make dinner and empty the trash out of our packs. While we were eating a couple of fly-fishermen came by and talked with us a bit about the PCT.  A role that nobody really tells you about before starting one of these hikes is that of Trail Ambassador.  You get asked all kinds of questions, frequently the same questions, whenever you meet people on/near the trail.  Usually these interactions are fun and I enjoy them.  Sometimes when your tired or the people are mean or you have miles to go and little daylight left these encounters are draining.  This was not one of those times.  The 2 fishermen were very friendly and we enjoyed talking with them before they moved on to a picnic table of their own.  About 5 minutes later, as we were eating, one of the gentlemen came back and offered us a COLD beer.  WE happily accepted. It was a heffeweissen made in Los Angeles and it was good.
After filling up on food and beer and getting rid of our trash we returned to the trail with the goal of finding a camp site more than 1 mile from the Deep Creek Hot Springs.  Camping is forbidden within 1 mile of them to keep the impact on the area down.

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