Friday, May 31, 2013

5/11 Guffy Campground

By Hedgehog
Starting Mileage: 342
Ending Mileage: 364.5

Climbing out of Cajon Pass in hot weather, we got a boost when BooBoo waved at a train engineer and he blew the train's horn. 
In a recent burn area the PCT wss heavily encroached by Poodledog Bush and so there was a optional bypass. Not wanting to risk exposure BooBoo and I decided to take the 4 mile reroute, which was a Forest Service road that parallels the PCT. While it was nice not to have to worry about the Poodledog Bush the road walk was completely exposed.
Thankfully as the reroute ended and we rejoined the trail we came upon a water cache, and 7 hikers most of whom we knew. The cache was provided by some folks who had section hiked the area and decided it was too dry. We learned this when 2 guys stopped by on motorcycles to check on the cache.
After drinking our fill of water and eating a large lunch we headed out for Guffy Campground. This a Forest Service campground people can drive to so we were hopeful that we might score some cold soda.
We rolled into Guffy Campground about 6pm and took the last 2 camp spots amongst about 10 thruhikers (most of whom we knew). Every one made dinber and talked around the picnic able.  The campground had several car campers there, unfortunately none of them offered us cold beverages. We did ,however, have "Scraps" join us at the picnic table. Scraps was an unleashed dog that wanted to play or eat our food. Either way was good for him. He belonged to a car camping couple in the site next to us. They didn't even try to contol/leash him.
We all called it an early night. Earplugs were needed (well for normal hearing people) due to these same campers playing music at 8p, hiker bedtime, and late into the night.

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