Sunday, May 5, 2013

Day 13 - Entering the San Jancintos 4/29

By Hedgehog

Startting Mileage: 151.9
Ending Mileage: 166.5

The decision was made to keep our mileage down as it was my birthday and the last full day Magic Man would be around.

We set off for Hwy 74 fairly early. When we started hiking north of the Hwy, BooBoo and I passed several tents of hikers not yet up for the day. Shortly there after we started climbing into the San Jancinto Mountains,  the first real elevation as we've come north. 

It was a bit cooler and there was a breeze. A great day for hiking. 

The mountains lived up to their promise and shortly I was huffing and puffing as we climbed constantly higher.
I've been going around telling other hikers that WI is flat and its highest point is Timms Hill at 1800 ft. Thanks to the Internet I know now that it is actually 1951'. 
Still hiking around at 4000' is one thing,  continually gainig altitude for 14 miles is another. But I digress.

The day was full of good views and once we reached Fobes Saddle we took a side trail down to a road where Magic Man was waiting with my Birthday Pizza and some drinks. And they were good.

Back in Idyllwild BooBoo and Magic Msn ran some final errands while I soaked my feet in an Epson salt bath. My blisters had returned. A hazard of the job so to speak.

We had made arrangements to meet with Mark and Gumby at a Mexican restaurant for my birthday dinner. They had arrived in town the night before and we wanted catch up with them.
They had lots of fun stories since we had last seen them.

Soon after dinner it was hiker midnight and the celebration broke up quickly as we all looked for our beds.

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